Open Enrollment for Catastrophic Leave starts NOW!

VEA members are able to donate their personal leave days to the catastrophic leave bank for members who are may be fighting a serious illness or other helping a loved one who is seriously ill.

Open enrollment for VEA’s Catastrophic Leave Bank starts now. Members can donate a day or more of personal leave to the bank. If you are already enrolled, you do not need to re-enroll again this year. A day of your persona leave will be automatically donated to the bank each year until you withdraw from the program.

If this is your first year in the District, you do not need to donate to the bank. You may also qualify to withdraw from the bank if this is your first year in the District. If this is your second year or more, you need to donate to the bank in order to qualify to withdraw from it.

Please see the attached forms for more information.

(Special thanks to Christine McGiffert in the VCUSD HR Department for sending this information out!)